Posts filed under ‘Composition’

Scared of Statins? 5 Ways Chia Seeds Can Help You Lower Your Cholesterol

Author: Emily Morris

Scared of Statins? Don’€™t want costly prescriptions? Lower Your Cholesterol the Easy Chia Way!

All you have to do is turn on the TV and you’€™ll know that millions of people have a cholesterol problem. Major drug companies can’€™t seem to advertise their pharmaceuticals enough! However, if the idea of spending loads of money on prescriptions every month isn’€™t something you enjoy, it might be time to look for another, healthier solution.

You might have also noticed that Statin Drugs have come under a negative light in some studies. It’€™s known that they deplete body levels of Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) which is something your heart needs in order to function correctly. They can also deplete other critical nutrients from the body, and sometimes lower good cholesterol as well. Sure, you can supplement with Co-Q10 pills, but that’€™s even more money out of your pocket! So aside from all the expense, do you really want to risk these negative effects?

The good news is, you can lower your cholesterol naturally, and inexpensively through food. You may have seen the claims on famous products like Cheerie-o and Quaker Oats , that €œ“soluble fiber combined with a low saturated fat diet may reduce the risk of heart disease“€. There’ €™s more to it then that, and it’€™s all beneficial to you!

A low fat diet is great, but you also need some pro-active cholesterol cleaners in your corner if you really want to beat down the threat of hardening arteries and cholesterol clogs. The key isn’€™t to avoid all fats or cholesterol sources, because your body actually needs some to function properly. It’€™s the ability to sweep away the bad and encourage the good that will lead to better health.

Your key to success can be the Chia Seed, but only if you take action.

How can tiny seeds you’€™ve never heard of put the brakes one such a big problem as cholesterol? There are so many ways, and you can examine each one in this article. Read exactly about how each fascinating facet benefits you:

First: Soluble Fiber
The exterior of the chia seed is covered in soluble fiber. But this isn’t just any soluble fiber, like that of an oat or flax seed. The fiber of Chia is special, in that it can absorb NINE times the weight of the seed in water, and hold it close to the surface. When it does this, it forms a bead of gel, with the consistency of a gelatin snack. This gel isn’€™t easily removed from the seed. It takes the digestive system a while to use and remove it, thus hydrating the colon and easing digestion.

Second: Insoluble fiber
Insoluble fiber cannot be digested or absorbed by the body. It is sometimes referred to as ‘€œRoughage’€ and acts as a sweeper in the intestines. When food doesn’€™t sit around or become overly dry in the colon, toxic substances don’€™t build up. Unfriendly bacteria does’€™t get the chance to go to work. When insoluble fiber is taking up space in the digestive system, you’€™re more likely to feel full for longer and thus not eat as much at meal time. Losing excess weight is another key to keeping cholesterol down.

Third: Unsaturated Fatty Acids
These may sound complicated, but they’€™re important for cell respiration (oxygen transported into cells), the lubrication and resilience of cells. There’€™s an especially important fatty acid that your body can’€™t make. It’€™s called ‘€œLinoleic’€. You usually get this from raw plant-source foods, but who gets enough of those these days? With Chia Seeds, you won’t have to worry about it. They’€™re rich in this important nutrient.
How are these important for your cholesterol? They combine with cholesterol in the body to form membranes that hold cells together. It puts cholesterol to good use, but only if you have enough of it to make the combination!

Fourth: Long-Chain triglycerides
These large molecules take a stand to scrub cholesterol off of artery walls, but only when eaten in the right proportions. Chia seeds have these long chain triglycerides in the right proportions to help reduce it for you.

Fifth: Risk Factors
Reducing or eliminating risk factors for high cholesterol is important as well. Some risk factors you can’€™t do anything about, like heredity. But others such as obesity and diabetes you can help to control with Chia. (The soluble fiber in chia seeds helps control blood sugar levels by slowing down the transformation of carbohydrates into sugars)

Understanding that not all fats are bad, and taking in healthy oils is an important part of a balanced diet. There are so many delicious chia seed recipes, including breakfast bars, granola, fruit smoothies and more that adding this tiny seed to your diet is a snap.
What makes it extra amazing is, that unlike other health foods, you can make these seeds taste like whatever you want. They absorb any liquid they’re placed in, (Remember Fact #1) and distribute the flavor. They have no flavor of their own, so they can’™t cover up or ‘€˜ruin’€™ the taste of foods you love. They’€™re as easy to use as ‘€˜measure & sprinkle on’€™! No messy grinding or any preparation is needed.

With the chia seed, you get all the nutrition, and all the taste. Remember: ‘€œYou Are What You Eat’€ so eating healthy is a big step toward being healthy. Chia isn’€™t some foreign miracle-berry or fruit grown in a far off land and sold at a premium price either–these seeds cost under a dollar a day.

If you’re looking for an all natural, pesticide free, delicious and EASY way to lower your cholesterol, consider adding chia seeds to your diet, you’€™ll be amazed at what they can do for you!

About the Author:

This author is from MySeeds Chia Seeds & has also produced the 2 free cook books found there, as well as several educational and cooking how-to videos. Don’t forget your free shipping on top quality chia seeds too!

Article Source: ArticlesBase.comScared of Statins? 5 Ways Chia Seeds Can Help You Lower Your Cholesterol



Purchase your Mila chia seeds online
US and Canada
Philippines and other countries


October 6, 2009 at 2:40 am Leave a comment

Which is your favorite grain?

For years, I’ve been trying to limit grain from my diet, in the hope of sending off the excess pounds as well. Grain is carbohydrates, which are essential for energy, but which the body converts to sugar when in excess.

First to go was barley. Not easy at first, but somehow in the middle of a decided effort to clean out my system, I quit smoking cold turkey, and with it went the beer.

Next to go was corn. That was very very difficult, because I’ve always loved corn, especially the Japanese sweet ones. In the 60s, on our weekend trips to Tagaytay in the 60s, we would stop by this grocery (one of the few groceries back then) on Aurora Blvd.  where Momi would pick up a medium bag of tube ice, and  two bags of foot-long ears of cooked sweet yellow corn, cold but not frozen. During the 30-minute trip up to the rim of the extinct volcano, then known as Tagaytay Ridge, we would all enjoy our own ears of corn, no sharing and no left-0vers.  But the time we werebit off the last kernels, we were being greeted by the mesmerizing site of the smallest volcano on earth, and ready to jump off the car to run around the huge lawn of our simple one-story resthouse. Now back to my diet.

From the book by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo entitled Eat Right for Your Type, I learned that corn actully slows down the metabolism of Os like me.  I realized then that this was why I started to bloat when I stopped teaching dance regularly a decade ago.   I developed a craving for Japanese sweet corn that one can easily buy in Katipunan Avenue, reviving wonderful childhood memories and an insatiable taste for sweet yellow corn. Till now, I have to consciously stop myself from eating more than a fourth of  an ear of corn.

Without trying too hard, I take wheat breads  no more than once a week. I’ve discovered breads and pasta noodles made from yam (camote) which are actually tasty.

But rice is almost impossible to do away with. We just have too many wonderful dishes that need the balancing tastelessness and texture of freshly-boiled rice, as well as the fried and sauteed versions of this Filipino staple.

Yet, Ive noticed that since some 10 weeks ago when I first started taking MILA the miracle chia seeds, not only did I take less rice, but also generally ate much less than.  That’s because I felt full for longer periods of time. yet had so much energy to complete all my chores and aks for the day.

Found this very useful and revealing chart on the website of Lifemax. Didnt notice it until today, because I had always concentrated on the wondrous effects of perfect balance of Omega fatty acids that the Mila chia seeds was getting famous for.


This chart compared the nutrient values of Mila the miracle chia seed vs the more common grains we regularly take in today.

What we find is the incredible superiority of MILA to other grains — so much energy, protein, lipids, fiber, and just half the carbohydrates as the grains.

You may be interested in more information on omega fatty acids, proteins, fiber and phytonutrients.  milaNutritionpd

By the way, did I tell you that I am now excited everytime I step on the weighing scale, because the pointer always points to the left of my weight two months ago.  Yes I’ve actually lost 14 lbs as of this afternoon’s weigh-in. Am slowly nearing my target of losing 40 lbs…. only 26 more to go.

Read more about the growing and processing of MILA chia seeds.

To purchase your Mila the miracle seed here

July 23, 2009 at 1:48 am 1 comment

Chia breaks through to regain health worldwide

(Excerpts from an interview of Dr. Wayne Coates, by Fred Liers of Interview with Dr. Wayne Coates: Chia Seeds (Part 1)

Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seeds

Fred: Do you get much feedback from your customers? What do they tell you about their experiences with chia?

Dr. Coates: Yes, we get a fair number of calls. They tell us what chia seeds have done for their health. I always tell them to post their comments on our website, the commercial site for Arizona Chia.

Fred: I frequently hear from people about their experiences with consuming chia seeds available from Integrated Health. People have reported major benefits from chia seeds for their health and healing. Benefits like increased energy, better digestion, improved skin tone, and help for blood sugar issues.

People also report that chia helps their pets. Dogs and cats have experienced remarkable results. Pet owners will grind the chia, and serve it to their pets mixed with food. Pets with blood sugar control issues have been helped in particular. Diabetic pets can receive lower insulin dosages, and some go off it altogether.

Dr. Coates: We receive similar reports from customers. We’ve heard some truly amazing things, but generally we don’t go into much detail telling people about what to expect from chia. Everyone has their own perception of what chia seeds can do. Call it mind over matter. If nothing else, you can believe what you want, and if you really believe it, then that’s what it is. There’s no arguing against or changing a belief.

Let’s assume that chia affects a certain person in a specific way, and honestly it does. That is only the experience of that particular person because different people have different experiences with chia. Or it can depend upon the conditions they may have because then there can be different effects. For example, one person’s results using chia could depend upon how effectively their digestive system is working, but another person’s results could be entirely different.

Fred: Another person may reap a different set of benefits?

Dr. Coates: Exactly. So we’re not promoting chia for any particular purpose. We do say what it contains, like the balanced essential fats, and let customers decide whether chia may be helpful for them.

Now, what is true is that the nutrients in chia seeds have been shown to have certain effects. Fiber has been shown to have certain effects. Antioxidants have been shown to have certain effects. Essential fats have been shown to have certain effects. And so on. We say “These are the nutrients chia has in it.” Then people can decide.

Fred: I know that for myself, consuming chia seeds has given me a lot more energy. I take chia daily in my favorite superfood smoothies, green superfoods, or vegetable juices. I usually grind it first because it goes better in smoothies that way. I definitely notice that I become energized, have more endurance, and more brainpower. If I consume chia two or three times per day, then the effects are greater.

I find that a chia gel smoothie is a major power-up “lunch” or afternoon pick-me-up. I like to include green superfoods like chlorella, spirulina, or Rejuvenate right into my smoothies. I use a Vita-Mix machine, but any blender or shaker jar works. If I’m on-the-go, I may shake up some chlorella with my chia gel smoothie in a mason jar. For anyone interested, there is a basic recipe for a chia gel smoothie posted on the website: (…) .

Chia to me is very exciting because it is a superfood that truly makes life better. Almost anyone can eat chia and improve their health and their quality of life. In this regard, I think superfoods like chia can change the world for the better. Is that too big of a statement?

Dr. Coates: No, not at all. That’s the whole thing. If people were eating superfoods like chia, they would be a lot healthier and have a lot fewer health problems. It certainly would help their health situation, let’s put it that way, in one way or another. I’m not saying exactly how it would help any particular individual, but it would definitely help them.

Fred: I agree. You know, I try to do a lot of good things for myself, and chia is a major component of my health regimen. I consume plenty of chlorella, fresh vegetable juices, salads, and nutrient-dense foods like chia seeds. My nutritional supplement regimen is based around several core supplements, which include a high-quality multivitamin, a vitamin C formula, and essential fats. Those are basics. Then I can add herbs or other supplements depending on more immediate requirements.

Dr. Coates: That is interesting! Well, we know that chia is a food that has no known limits on its consumption, and it definitely combines well with many other foods.

Fred: With respect to chia seeds as a superfood, and the growing level of awareness of it among people interested in health, it is evident that many individuals are awakening to a greater understanding of the role of foods and nutrition in human wellness. I consider it a great awakening, since we in modern civilization have in many ways destroyed our health during the past century, mostly through mass surrender to junk foods, health-damaging lifestyles, stress, and extremely dysfunctional systems of medicine.

I definitely see changes happening, mostly for individuals who are seeking healthier ways of being, and who are willing to look way past conventional models of nutrition, the food pyramid, and all that propaganda. Given such positive changes in awareness, what do you see as the future of chia?

Dr. Coates: That is not so easy to predict because there are so many companies simply talking about it right now. As I said, when a player finally comes along like a Whole Foods Market or a Trader Joe’s – or a similarly-sized company – and they are selling chia and doing some promotion for it, that’s when we will see it take off.

Fred: We are not quite there yet?

Dr. Coates: Well, it is happening. But think of how many other products companies want to sell. I’m so busy with my projects, I don’t have the time to visit stores to make the case for chia.

Fred: That’s not part of your mission.

Dr. Coates: Well, it is my job in a sense. But actually it won’t be necessary for me to go to stores and persuade them to sell chia. Demand is becoming great enough that people are asking for it. Store owners and managers hear questions, such as “What is chia?” and “Do you carry chia?” That’s how it is happening.

Fred: Demand for chia is speaking for itself.

Dr. Coates: Yes, and soon larger companies will start seriously investigating it. Part of their reservation has been ensuring adequate supply. If they decide to go for it, but they have only 2,000 bags when they need 20,000 bags, then they get into trouble when their customers can’t be supplied.

Fred: Is the chia supply rising?

Dr. Coates: Yes, the supply is rising and we can ramp it up, if we want. But until buyers purchase large quantities, the question becomes who is going to produce chia if there is a likelihood that it will sit around waiting for a buyer? It’s always a chicken and egg question. What’s there: demand or supply?

That’s one of the basic issues with any of these “new” crops like chia seeds. That is, achieving a balance between demand and supply. Demand may be there, but then they say there’s no supply. Or the supply might be there, that is, we can grow the chia, but then the question will be who is going to buy it. The issue of supply and demand remains until we can work it out, and currently is fundamental with chia production and distribution.

READ MORE ABOUT CHIA SEEDS and MILA the miracle seed.

If you’d like to purchase MILA chia seeds, or attend a MILA TEA PARTY, email us.

May 16, 2009 at 6:46 pm Leave a comment

Are we getting the right Omega-3’s?

Not all Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the human body. Ive learned this today from Dr. Wayne Coates, perhaps the world’s foremost educator on chia seeds. Dr. Coates was among the first to grow chia seeds experimentally (as far back as 1991) and later for commercial purposes. An expert in the field of new crops such as chia and jojoba, his career as a research professor at the University of Arizona spanned over twenty-five years. Dr. Coates holds a doctorate in Agricultural Engineering from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. He is the co-author with Ricardo Ayerza of Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs, 2005.

Dr. Coates avers that not all the Omega-3 fatty acids that we take as part of our diet is essential. Most of us take in fish oils and algae oils, which contain mostly EPA and DHA Omega-3 acids, which are not essentially needed by the body.  The more important Omega-3 fatty acids known ALA (alpha linolenic acids) are often missing from our diets.  Yet, the needed ALA can be obtained from a regular intake of the Aztec superfood chia seed, marketing under the brand name MILA the Miracle seed.

Dr. Coates talks about Omega-3 fatty acids in the following video. (Please click on the link Is Mila a good source of Omega-3s?

May 16, 2009 at 6:00 pm Leave a comment

What the experts say about CHIA

chia-weilNutrition expert Dr. Weil said,

“A healthful and interesting addition to my diet. My prediction? You will begin to see chia being added to more and more commercial products, such as prepared baby foods, nutrition bars, and baked goods.”

chia-ozDr. Oz from the Oprah show says, “they just may be one of the healthiest things around.”


May 15, 2009 at 8:23 pm Leave a comment

MILA really works wonders

More testimonials on the positive effects of MILA on people’s health.

“As a marathon runner and triathlon participant I was always looking for a way to supplement my diet to replace what training was draining from my system. In my search for the most natural way to supplement my daily nutrition shakes I saw an article in Men’s Health that referenced the Chia Pet and the seeds it used. After some research I was introduced to Mila and its benefits.”

“Since then I’ve replaced one of my powder supplements, flax seed, etc.. The main ingredient in my daily shakes is the seeds. My system has taken to the supplement like wildfire. The first test will be my 15th Peachtree Road Race this weekend. If my daily runs are any indication, my time should be a record.”

— Lee H.

“I want to give you feedback on the effect of the product on my son after only one scoop last night and one this morning.  I noticed this morning that he actually got up without a fight, he got ready in a timely manner (rather than staring off into space), and  got off to school without the usual dragging of his feet and lack of enthusiasm.  I followed up with my son’s teacher who reported that he came to class, sat down and started doing his work, something she has not seen in him in a very long time.  I am delighted with this change after such a short time with the Lifemax product. What a difference!”

— Sarah D.

“The joyous day I learned I was pregnant, it wasn’t about me anymore; I was then responsible for someone else’s life. Eating Mila daily was the very best thing I could do for the precious life I was carrying. I was so elated that I had been consuming Mila every day for six months before hand, which put my body in optimal health for conception. At the first pre-natal appointment with the OBGYN, not aware of Mila, he presented many prescription samples of processed omega 3 pills from which I was to choose. I told him, “No, thank you, I’m eating Mila!”

After conception, I increased my intake to two scoops daily to give our baby the perfect nutrients to grow strong and healthy the way God intended. Every morning at breakfast, I would say, “Eat your Mila, baby!”

After birth, she scored a nine on her APGAR test. With a proud chuckle, I asked the doctor, “Why not a ten?” “She’s as close as it gets; no baby grades a ten”, he said with a grin. That made my husband, Brian, and I both smile from ear to ear! I believe Mila had a lot to do with our baby being healthy and my having had an ideal pregnancy. Knowing our daughter had Mila from conception to birth makes us feel we did the best thing for her. As a mother, that is the most comforting feeling in the world.

I would encourage women, who are pregnant, or who want to become pregnant, to look into the medical research documenting the many benefits of Omega 3’s for fetal development, especially the brain. It’s the most important nutrient you can give your unborn child.

Now, I’m breastfeeding and she gets the nutrients from Mila in that way. I continue to eat two scoops of Mila every day. And when she starts solids, I’ll incrementally add Mila to her food. Every day she surprises us at how alert, smart and strong she is and how she is advancing. Because of Mila she has such a head start on life from a health standpoint. We can’t wait to see what she does next!

Our daughter’s name is Esabella Ryan Bilbro. She was born December 22, 2008, 7:53 AM, 7 pounds, 11 ounces, 21 inches and she is the first Lifemax baby. She is our “Why!” We call her our Mila Baby and I’m the Mila Momma!

Thank you, Dr. Coates for re-discovering God’s perfect food and assembling your masterpiece, Mila. To Lifemax, thank you for distributing the World’s Healthiest Whole Raw Food and helping me be an amazing mother right from the start!”

— Meredith B.

“I have lost 36 pounds since January the 8th. My son gave me a bag of Mila in January. I somewhat reluctantly took the bag of Mila because I have been in a few network marketing companies and was not planning on being involved in another one. Guess what ? I changed my mind. Lifemax has changed my life. I have been on quite a few diets over the years and would either starve myself or have to eat every few hours. I had NO life of my own. So when he gave me a bag of Mila and I slept through the night the first night, I was curious if this food was what helped me sleep through the night. So the 2nd night I took Mila and slept through the night I knew there was something happening for the good. About a week after I had started putting Mila in my orange juice, I got on the scales and had lost 5 pounds. I thought what is with that? I continued to put my Mila in my orange juice or salads or oatmeal and kept losing. People all of a sudden were asking how I was losing my weight. I have lost two sizes in three months. I could tell you all of the other things Mila has done for me. It has helped me sleep through the night, have more energy that I have had in a long long time. I think more clearly and feel so good. I have a goal of losing 35 more pounds before our 40th anniversary in November. I have no doubt at all that I will have lost it before then. Even if I was not losing weight I would eat Mila for the rest of my life. It is a gift to all of us and something that everyone needs to eat. Another thing…my skin is softer and my hair is stronger. Mila is the food that keeps on giving, it truly is a Miracle Seed. Thank you, Lifemax!”

— Patti W.

“My husband has lost 14 pounds since he started taking Mila three months ago. The best thing about the weight loss, is that he has tried many different ways to lose weight and was unsuccessful, always feeling tired and hungry. Mila taken between meals with plain water has helped increase his energy levels and keeps him from feeling hungry and “deprived.”

— Dr. Donna G.


May 4, 2009 at 12:48 am 2 comments

Some Basic Facts about CHIA

Scientific evidence strongly supports the use of chia as being the most efficient source of omega-3 fatty acids which can be used to enrich foods. Adding chia seeds or meal directly to the final product, or including it in animal diets has not shown any of the problems other omega-3 sources such as flaxseed or marine products have shown such as fishy flavor, animal weight loss, digestive problems, diarrhea, allergies, etc.



May 2, 2009 at 12:57 am Leave a comment

More Testimonials to MILA

“After being on Mila for about three weeks I have experienced a great change! My energy level doesn’t crash in the afternoon (no need for my regular midday coffee) and I am able to focus better and get more accomplished. As an added bonus, I have even noticed a weight loss! This product is truly worth trying! Thanks!”

— Amie L.

“Thank you so much for introducing me to Mila, you got me sold, or rather the product speaks for itself and my children are taking it and as we speak I just finished introducing the product to my sister in law who is pregnant and she ran to go take it as well. That is what it’s all about, proper health and nutrition, living life to the fullest, to the max.”

— Chidi K.

“Hello Lifemax, I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for providing us with such a great product. Mila is the best. From the first time i started taking this grain I felt a difference. MORE energy and BETTER mental awareness. I also want to take a minute to say hello to Jim and Sherri Wear. I think they have a done wonderful job in building this great company. They are surely attracting the right people.”

— Greg N.

“I have lost 35 lbs and met the goal established by my Dr. I am now a size 4/6 which is much smaller than the 14/16. The product keeps me full longer and satisfied. I use one full scoop a day and that is in the morning in my breakfast. I then go workout and find out I am burning on average 375-420 calories in that 30 minutes. I have more energy and this last me the day.”

— Dee Dee P.

“Well, I gave my daughter a canister 2 weeks ago and it has been a God send. She says she has more energy with dealing with the boys and she feels wonderful. Yesterday I spent the morning with her and she looked better than she has looked in months!! As a side note her husband is on the product too and this weekend in Orlando he is competing in his first Triathlon at Moss Park. He also gives credit to his renewed vigor to Lifemax.”

— Kevin B.

“I have had what I call an “addiction” with energy drinks. I would drink an average of 3-4 cans a day. That’s the average. Sometimes I would drink even more than that though!! I love energy!!! But, I really was having a hard time with it because I literally felt like I NEEDED it to get me through the day…”

“The morning I started using Mila I quit drinking energy drinks. I had immediate energy and it lasted the entire day! I noticed I was sleeping better, and actually felt different in the mornings. It was easier to wake up, and easier to go to sleep! I stopped drinking energy drinks on day 1 of Mila and haven’t needed it since!!!”

“I have more than enough energy and I just feel better. If you knew me personally, you would know that it is a HUGE DEAL. I drank that many cans for over 2 years and the day I started Lifemax, I quit!!! WOW–Think about it. Every single day for 2 years!!!”

“I also noticed I remember things a bit better. I am the worst at remembering even things that happened a day ago, and lately I don’t have to make nearly as many reminders for myself as I usually do.”

“I feel great, I feel happy, and I know that it’s Mila. NOTHING ELSE in my life has changed. I have been using the grain on the brain for almost a month now, and I don’t think I will be stopping anytime soon!”

— Tim W.

“Fervent defines the essence of my belief in my Lifemax experience. To share it is my goal. From the product introduction, to the ease of consumption leading to tremendous elevation in energy, and mental clarity, it is only natural that all involved, highlighted by founders Jim and Sherri Wear, are as real and inspirational as Mila itself. Having been involved in various facets of sales over the past twenty years, I am making Lifemax my most important message to deliver yet.”

— Kirt E.

“Yesterday I went WITHOUT Mila! Today I’m up three pounds, it is all water and swollen joints. I didn’t realize just how much the grain was doing for my inflammation! And the pain in the joints of my hands is back! I know that I have been working hard the last three weeks, (cleaning this house for the party last night and cleaning the rental house for new tenants) however I was beginning to feel like I was 40 again! I really liked the feeling of good health. I’m not real fond of feeling 68 again.”

— Mary C.

“My father brought a new product home he wanted me to try called Lifemax. I started mixing it in the morning with juice and after about two weeks my energy and focus returned! The chores I had to complete each day became easier and I had more focus with my home work which improved my grades greatly. My stamina in foot ball was greatly raised which helped me a lot. I recommend this product for all teenagers who want to find their focus in life.”

— Daniel A.

“I started using Mila from Lifemax on Monday, June 30, 2008 and I have lost 7 pounds in only 3 days!!!! The best part about it is that I feel great!! I am having very vivid dreams when I sleep!! So I wake up having more energy and better mental clarity!! Everyone should eat this AMAZING grain!!! My friends keep telling me how much thinner I look!! This is going to be a VERY SUCCESSFUL company with results like mine!! Thanks LifeMax.”

— Thomas S.


May 2, 2009 at 12:46 am Leave a comment

MILA Testimonials


“I have been taking Lifemax for 2 months and just love the difference in my energy level! I no longer need to take a coffee break in the middle of the day to get my ‘second wind’ I have also noticed a difference in my hair, nails and skin. But what I like the most about Lifemax is that due to it not having any taste my four teenage daughters love to use it also. It is a wonderful product and I look forward to sharing it with my family and friends.”

— Lisa C.

“Since my husband, Andy, and I have been married, he has gained quite a bit of weight — probably 65 lbs. or so — and lost his hair, too. (I guess he has been very happy or very well fed by me. LOL) Over the course of the last several years, he has tried unsuccessful to lose that weight through dieting and exercising. He felt that maybe that was just how he was supposed to be. When he started eating the LifeMax Mila, he began to notice a difference in his digestive system right away and he wasn’t so cranky because he wasn’t as hungry. In a little over 6 weeks, he lost 29 lbs! He is still working at it but sees Lifemax as a way to get back to a thinner, healthier Andy. And I get my old Lovey back! His hair hasn’t grown back again, but there’s nothing sexier than a buff bald man!”

“As for me, I work hard everyday working in my private Neuromuscular practice with chronic patients. At the end of the day, my hands can become very sore and I can be exhausted physically — it’s like doing yoga for hours on end. Since using Mila, I feel so much energy even after the end of a long day. I, too, have noticed a huge difference in my digestive system and that’s even after I have tried some natural remedies made just for colon cleansing.”

“As for my kids, I’ve never seen them ask for something healthy like they do for Mila&. They love it in chocolate milk, yogurt smoothies, brownies, cookies, and even meatloaf. Thanks, Lifemax, for keeping me and my family healthy!”

— Pamela S.

“My boss (and best friend) came to me and told me about this new grain she had heard about and asked me to go to a meeting with her in Orlando. I said ok but didn’t believe it would be anything that would work. We went to the meeting and I listened to people talking but still didn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew I wouldn’t believe it unless it made a difference in my life. Well finally 3 weeks ago we got Lifemax. I have taken 1 scoop a day ever since we got it. I wanted to take it like everyone said so I could know for sure it worked. Starting Lifemax for me had nothing to do with making money although I am a single Mom and can use extra money. My main goal here is to maintain good health and help everyone I can so others don’t have to go through the pain I have gone through. I just wish I would have known of Lifemax a few months ago, maybe I could have helped my mom.”

— Sandy K.

May 1, 2009 at 11:00 pm Leave a comment

MILA is the source of the only essential Omega-3 fatty acids

(Excerpts from a video discussion by Dr. Wayne Coates, the rediscoverer of Salvia hispanica L. in 1991, and the world’s foremost expert on the superfood commonly known as chia.)

Is Mila a good source of Omega-3’s?

“We hear a lot today of Omega-3’s, and there’s no question Omega-3’s in our diet are very important.  In fact, the problem today is that we’re eating a lot of Omega-6’s and not enough of Omega-3’s. We should be having close to 1:1 ratio.  many of us are getting 10:1 or 20:1 Omega-6’s to Omega-3’s.  So we need to increase our Omega-3’s

“Why are Omega-3’s important?

Heart health is one of the main things. There area number of sources of Omega-3’s and they’re definitely not all equal.

“MILA contains what is known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).  It is the only essential Omega-3.

“There are also what is call long-chain Omega-3’s, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).  They are not essential. And there is much discussion about where we should get our Omega-3’s from.

“The fish industry would lead you to believe that you should be eating fish oil or algae oil, which are the long-chain EPAs and DHAs.  That is not the case.  Those are not essential fatty acids.

Änd the reason is, our body takes the ALA, which is in the MILA, converts it into EPA and DHA. The big discussion is in how much can be converted. Can you convert enough?

“The fish industry could again say “no”, but that hasn’t been shown to be the case. If there is a confounding factor here, when our bodies convert the ALA to these long-chain (DHA and EPA), they use enzymes to do this.  Because we’re a lot of Omega-6’s, there’s a conflict because the body is fighting for these enzymes to convert the Omega-6’s to aracadonic acids, and also using the same ones to convert to EPA and DHA.

“So by cutting down the amount of Omega-6 in our diet, and upping the Omega-3 in th form of ALA, we get beter conversion, and your body will convert what you need.  You can always supplement if you feel it’s necessary, but it really has not been shown to be true.

“So, MILA is the source of the only essential Omega-3 fatty acids.”

Video interview by Dr. Wayne Coates on Omega-3.

More on Omega-3

MILA, world’s healthiest raw whole food source

May 1, 2009 at 12:32 am Leave a comment

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MILA is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is intended for educational purposes. Al information provided is general and not specific to individuals. We endeavor to state the cause properly and educate our associates appropriately. LifeMax does not, in any way, represent treatment, cure or mitigation of disease. Persons experiencing health problems should consult a medical professional.