Archive for September, 2009

Diet help. The chia seed

Author: Lea Davies

I’m always on the hunt for new WEIGHT LOSS HELP, and discovered one of the best TIPS TO LOSE WEIGHT that I’ve ever seen.

It’s called the CHIA SEED, and was widely used by the Aztec’s but virtually disappeared after they were conquered by the Spanish. They called it “The Running Seed” and would consume it before battle for energy and endurance.

This amazing little seed is wonderful if you need HELP LOSING WEIGHT, and there are many ways in which they can be used.

When CHIA SEEDS are exposed to any liquid (preferably filtered water, you’ll find out why later), it’s weight and size increases at a ratio of about 9-1. A gel coating forms around the outside of the seed and is very difficult to remove, so when ingested, the body will treat it as food, thinking it’s full, but because the gel is made of water, you won’t be adding any calories.

You can also sprinkle them onto food and it will work in the same way. When the Seeds reach the stomach, the gel will form around them making you feel fuller (and let’s face it, hunger is the dieter’s biggest enemy). The gel is then slowly removed in the intestines which will help hydrate you and keep your digestive system moving.

The gel is one of the main benefits of the Chia Seed as it’s believed to create a barrier between Carbohydrates and Digestive Enzymes which slows the conversion rate of Carbohydrate to Sugar, which will then help to keep the blood sugar at a stable level and in turn will help to reduce FOOD CRAVINGS.

But it doesn’t end there. The gel can be used in cooking. If you simply must have that Cookie or piece of cake, you still can but with half the fat. If your recipe states 8 tablespoons of butter (melted), use 4 tablespoons of butter and 4 tablespoons of Chia gel and bake as normal. These amazing little seeds have no taste of their own, but will enhance the flavour of anything they are added to. This is why it is better to use filtered water only as some area’s have fluoride added to their tap water so therefore, the Chia will enhance this flavour as well.

How to make CHIA GEL.

1 tablespoon of CHIA SEEDS.

9 tablespoons of WATER.

Stir to prevent lumps and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes. This produces the gel which can be used as if it were oil or butter in any recipe. Cover and it will keep in the fridge for 1 week.

Nutritionally it’s good for you too. It contains 15 x more magnesium than Broccoli, more anti-oxidants than Blueberries, as much vitamin C as in 6 oranges, nearly 9 x the amount of Omega 3 as in Salmon, double the amount of fibre found in Bran Flakes, nearly 3 x more iron than Spinach, more protein than Soy, 2 x the amount of potassium in a Banana, 6 x the amount of Calcium found in whole milk and naturally contains Boron, which transfers Calcium into your bones. It contains NO CHOLESTEROL, and is good for Vegetarians as it contains complete proteins,making for an all round, HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS DIET.

But to top it all off, pesticides don’t need to be used when growing the seeds because the plants leaves and stems produce an oil which insects and other pests hate, making it 100% natural. So by adding Chia to your food, you’ll be improving the taste as well as maintaining A HEALTHY BALANCED DIET.

No wonder it’s being hailed as a super food. In my opinion, this has to be one of the BEST WAYS TO LOSE WEIGHT.

So if your hungry before lunch, add a few of these little beauties to a bottle of WATER and you won’t be tempted to snack.

Warmest Regards


This free report is offered for informational purposes only. It should not or ever be taken as or construed as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified health professional before making any changes in your diet, prescription drug use, and lifestyle or exercise routine. This information is provided as-is, and the reader assumes all risks from the use, non-use or misuse of this information.

About the Author:

Lea Davies is passionate about reaching out to people with weight problems. Why not visit Lea at and discover how she successfully lost weight. IT’S ALL FREE SO YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR WEIGHT 🙂

Article Source: ArticlesBase.comDiet help. The chia seed

September 30, 2009 at 2:19 am Leave a comment

Mila helps reduce sugar cravings

As a specialist in stress management programs, I see a lot of clients affected by unhealthy eating habits, unproductive behaviors, and struggling with their weight.

Recommending Mila has been a blessing. Within a week my clients report diminished sugar cravings and feeling more in control of their eating in addition to experiencing more energy and a positive attitude.

I have always believed in the power of the Omega 3’s, but Mila goes beyond that. It supplies the body with complete nutritional balance and is very useful for people who refuse to take vitamins, young and old.

I have also been taking Mila for the last 6 months and cannot do without it. I feel stronger, more focused and ready to conquer the world.

September 22, 2009 at 11:37 pm Leave a comment

Acid Reflux Symptoms – the Miraculous Chia Seed Remedy!

Author: Charles Stewart Richey

We’ve all seen those funny little clay animals that sprout hair when watered. They are covered in chia seed. They have been around for years and have become an American tradition. Who would have thought that those same tiny seeds would now be considered an important source of nutrition?

Chia comes from the Aztec word, “chian”, which means oily. It is high in omega-3 fatty acid; in fact it has more than any other grain – even more than flax seed. It has the perfect omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. This unsaturated fatty acid is essential for most successful functions of the body.

Since 2,500 B.C. chia seed have been used as human food. Known as “the running food”, these seeds were cultivated by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs. We are just now beginning to discover the importance of this grain.

Chia is loaded with calcium, boron and other necessary minerals; antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. It is a complete source of protein, with all the amino acids in perfect balance. It is indeed the perfect food. The ancient Aztecs valued chia to the extent that it was traded as currency. In those times anything which could increase endurance and control the appetite, was considered invaluable. It enabled them to sustain themselves on long hunting expeditions and war raids.

Chia seed has the ability to absorb approximately 12 times its weight in liquid. Because of this factor, it is a dieter’s dream come true. If made into what is called “chia gel”, it becomes a nutritious drink that fills you up, thus decreasing the appetite. To make this gel, simply add 1/3 cup chia seed to two cups of water. Stir well, breaking up any clumps and store in the refrigerator for twelve hours before drinking. You can store it there for at least two weeks. I make mine in a glass bottle with a tight fitting lid.

Drinking a third cup of chia gel at the onset of acid reflux can eliminate it for many people. Try drinking that much three times a day. It might prevent acid reflux from occurring at all. I know of people who swallow a teaspoon of raw seeds if they experience acid reflux. The seeds absorb the acid just as they do water. Of course you wouldn’t want to ingest too much raw seed at a time unless you have a tremendous amount of acid… it might absorb your stomach. It is best to be conservative and find out what is effective for you.

Chia has other beneficial qualities, as well. It has a neutral taste. It is very easily digested and assimilated. It is soothing to the stomach and esophagus and it has healing properties. Like slippery elm, it is rich in mucilloid soluble fiber, thus allowing it to quell the burning pain of acid reflux in the esophagus and stomach. In ancient times the Indians used it to prevent infection and accelerate healing time, by packing the seed into open wounds.

Chia gel can be incorporated into many other foods without diluting flavor, while displacing fat and calories. It works brilliantly to enhance flavor while replacing fat. For these reasons, chia gel should be an important, if not vital, part of the acid reflux diet.

For breakfast it can be mixed with hot oatmeal, pancakes, and biscuits dough. It’s delicious mixed into scrambled eggs. Ground chia seed can be used in baking bread or as a simple topping on many dishes. Use chia seed gel in yogurt, jams and jellies. Its great mixed into polenta, grits, smoothies and milk shakes. Try it in you favorite blended health mix drink.

Chia gel can be added to soups, salad dressings and even the stuffing that you put in a chicken. The possibilities are practically endless. Try introducing ÂĽ cup of chia gel into your favorite potato salad recipe, reducing the mayonnaise, in like. It can be used in many baking recipes as a substitution for fat.

Put it the kid’s food. They will never know the difference, as it actually enhances the flavor of food. They will love it! Feed it to your dogs. I put it in my fourteen year old Jack Russell Terrier’s food every day. Not only does he have better digestion and energy, he has better bowel movements. By the way, the F.D.A considers chia a food with an established history of safe consumption.

Chia gel slows the release of carbohydrates and their conversion to glucose (blood sugar). So, besides controlling acid reflux, loosing weight, increasing endurance, chia has the added benefit of reducing blood sugar and hypertension. Because of its high unsaturated fatty acid content, it can even help with prostate problems. I do not think anyone could go wrong by making chia seed a part of their every day life. Because of its incredible health-giving aspects, chia seed is the perfect food for everyone. It is certainly a Godsend for the acid reflux sufferer, in so many ways.

So try chia seed now. You have nothing to loose but a little weight. You could improve your digestion and overall health. It’s certainly worth a try.

© Wind Publishing

For free recipes, articles and information on acid reflux, please visit:

Reflux Gone Forever

About the Author:

Charles Stewart Richey is a self-educated expert on how to cure acid reflux disease by natural means and has written an extensive report entitled, “REFLUX GONE FOREVER”, Safe & Natural Acid Reflux Remedies.

For more information on how to heal acid reflux the natural way, go to:
Reflux Gone Forever

Article Source: ArticlesBase.comAcid Reflux Symptoms – the Miraculous Chia Seed Remedy!



Purchase your Mila chia seeds online
US and Canada
Philippines and other countries


September 6, 2009 at 3:51 am Leave a comment


September 2009


MILA is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is intended for educational purposes. Al information provided is general and not specific to individuals. We endeavor to state the cause properly and educate our associates appropriately. LifeMax does not, in any way, represent treatment, cure or mitigation of disease. Persons experiencing health problems should consult a medical professional.